Soft Path Healing

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keep looking for your medicine

If yoga doesn’t work for you, if chakra balancing doesn’t work for you, if talk therapy doesn’t work for you, if crystals don’t work for you, if affirmations don’t work for you, if prescription medication doesn’t work for you, if flower essences don’t work for you...

It is okay. You are not meant for every medicine, every room, every modality. But there is medicine meant for you. Keep looking for it. It can be anything because you decide your medicine, not anyone else. You.

Take care, sweet friends. Take your medicine. And if you feel comfortable sharing what your medicine feels like today, please do. Today my medicine is dance and rest.


Jess Jackson, Soft Path Healing

Soft Path Healing is trauma-informed bodywork and nervous system nourishment in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Curious about working together? Feel free to be in touch.