Soft Path Healing

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there is wisdom in holding on

There is always a wise reason we hold on. I️n our work together, I won’t wrench your fist open. I️ will wonder with you about what you are holding, why you are holding, how long you’ve been holding and if it still serves you to do so.

There is always a brilliant (and often protective) reason we stay tight. You know those flowers that only open for the sun? Maybe it’s like that. You know how little kids clutch their parents’ jeans and check out a stranger? Maybe it’s like that.

Or - you’re driving and suddenly need to slam your brakes. Your hands grip the steering wheel and then when it’s safe your hands still won’t quite relax. They might continue to grip the steering wheel even though the danger is over. Our bodies are a lot like that - always trying to protect us, even when the danger has passed.

Let’s honor the wisdom of holding on. Let’s not rush the letting go. We can invite it, but we can’t make it come. Just like everything else.


Jess Jackson, Soft Path Healing

Soft Path Healing is trauma-informed bodywork and nervous system nourishment in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Curious about working together? Feel free to be in touch.