Soft Path Healing

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Just because something is helpful for you to hear does not mean it won’t harm others

If I could distill everything from It’s Not All Good, my digital guide unpacking spiritual bypassing, into one sentence: this would be it.

Just because something is helpful for you to hear does not mean it won’t harm others.

Something can be supportive to us in our process, and it can feel harmful to others at the same time. This doesn’t negate its value to us, and this doesn’t pardon its harmful impact others might feel. Both can (and often do) exist at the same time.

We might also find that the things that we need to hear change. I know I’ve found this (and am still discovering these shifts!) as life spirals its way through me and my healing journey. Feel free to let me know below if that rings true for you.

If you’re feeling curious, you’re invited to explore how spiritual bypassing phrases might have been a buoy on your journey and contributed to your survival, and make space for the possibility that they can also cause harm.

In this guide there are invitations to explore somatically, using your felt sense and journaling prompts, and together we unpack 13 phrases and discover new compassionate language to use.

Creating this workbook has been one of my greatest joys. I strive to be gentle, trauma-informed, and anti-oppressive. I also strove (strove? hm okay I dunno but we’re going with it.) to make it pretty cute. Did it work? Click here to find out.

🌈✨ Jess