Soft Path Healing

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On Not Rushing Someone Through Their Grief

There can be so much comfort in another human witnessing our pain and grief. Witnessing where we are without trying to change it. Loving us through it without pushing us through it.

Sometimes we don’t need the situation to be fixed. We don’t always want advice. It’s often not helpful (and can be hurtful) to be redirected to a silver lining when we are in a storm.
Though there is a time and place for advice and positivity, not every time and place calls for this.
So when a witness to the painful moment we are in is what we are needing. When a hand to hold through the storm is what we desire.
When companionable silence and taking our time with our story is our deepest wish.
I wish these things for you.
I wish these things for me.
I wish these things for all of us.

⋒ For more support in compassionate listening, check out my virtual guide, It’s Not All Good! ⋒