Jessica Jackson Jessica Jackson

healing is hard fucking work

Healing is hard fucking work. It just is, by nature of it. But also, we heal in the world and systems we live in (the systems that harmed us), and that can make it even more challenging. I️ don’t think there’s another way to do it, as our systems impact us so deeply.

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Healing is hard fucking work. It just is, by nature of it. But also, we heal in the world and systems we live in (the systems that harmed us), and that can make it even more challenging. I️ don’t think there’s another way to do it, as our systems impact us so deeply. We’re FROM them. They SHAPE us. And they really need healing too.

So be soft with yourself as you reach for healing. Not just healing for yourself, but for everyone hurting in the world right now. It seems this list keeps growing (or perhaps that’s our awareness) - so let’s grow with it.

How are you reaching towards healing today? How are you showing yourself tenderness when your trembling hands can’t quite reach? Where do you feel current events in your body?

Just some gentle questions for us to ponder. Embodiment is healing. Healing is fucking hard work. Both/and forever and always.

xo Jess


Jess Jackson, Soft Path Healing

Soft Path Healing is trauma-informed bodywork and nervous system nourishment in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Curious about working together? Feel free to be in touch.

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