Create a collage deck and nervous system map to guide you through life’s lifiest moments.
WELCOME TO the COLLAGe YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM: where we do just that - explore your unique nervous system through collage. it might just change your life a little bit!
In this series of four dreamy and creative workshops, we will have time to:
👋 Say hello (or enjoy the companionable quiet) and shape our trauma-informed space
🪜 Explore the PolyVagal Theory of the nervous system and acknowledge the ways your nervous system helps you survive
🖼️ Gather symbolic and meaningful collage materials (I will also provide a bundle you can work with digitally or print)
🗺️ Map your nervous system states and responses in a gentle, trauma-informed and hopefully fun way
🃏Create a collaged deck of cards to guide you and your nervous system in sticky and tricky moments
Hopefully, you will leave our workshop series with a warm feeling (because it’ll be a cozy group of folks in it together!), more information about the nervous system and survival responses, and a deeper understanding of the ways you’ve survived.
You’ll also leave with the beginnings of a nervous system map and collage deck, both of which you can use to resource your nervous system, affirm your experience and guide your choices.
Cozy! Trauma-informed! Artsy but not snooty! A little bit of “lecture” (a.k.a. me getting nerdy about the nervous system) and a lot of time for you to hang out and connect with your nervous system through creativity!
Imagine: getting the information you need about the nervous system, and then having time, space, community and some cool music while you collage your very own nervous system map and deck!
There will be opportunities to connect and ask questions as well as share about your map, your deck and your nervous system experience/s, but there won’t be any forced sharing.
WEEKs 1 & 2: Creating and collaging a nervous system map and learning about your wise survival strategies
weeks 3 & 4: building a resourcing deck and exploring practices to help you shift nervous system states
➝ You have a nervous system and you want to get to know it, and understand more about how it works so you might feel more softness for how you survive/d and even learn a couple new coping tools
➝ You wanna hang out in a casual and warm zoom space where there will likely be a mix of folks of various identities (if you want to join live)!
➝ You are ready for a blend of learning, art-making, connecting with other folks, and being in the quiet of your own experience (if you want to join live)
➝ You are into art! Maybe you don’t feel like An Artist, but you like to play with meaning making, symbolism, paint, collage, etc.
➝ You want a space where you can meet your needs, snack along the way, and won’t be forced to share when you’re feeling internal
➝ You don’t want to map, collage, or make any art (because that’s how we’ll be invited to explore)
➝ You aren’t willing to honor folks’ identities, including their pronouns (we do that here!)
➝ You will be irked when I talk or write about the nervous system and mention collective and systemic trauma (we also do that here!)
🤩 Attend live! (workshops won’t be recorded) And you’ll receive everything you need to get started on your map and deck of resourcing cards.
🐌 Do the DIY the experience if you can’t make it live! You’ll also receive everything you need to get started on your map and deck of resourcing cards.
What’s included when you join?
You’ll receive a welcome e-mail from me, and then shortly before our workshop begins you will also receive:
Nervous System Mapping Materials: collage materials, worksheets and guidance for making your map, a primer on PolyVagal Theory and the nervous system, a supply list and our workshop playlist
Resourcing Deck Materials: collage materials, trauma-informed and nervous system centered terms you might like to incorporate into your deck, card-making methods, a supply list and our workshop playlist
Live gatherings take place on zoom and will not be recorded. Price is the same for the live and DIY options.
We gather on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM EST September 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th
Sliding scale rates:
➝ $100 for this 4 workshop series | for folks with access to expendable or stable income
➝ $80 for this 4 workshop series | for folks with limited to expendable or stable income
➝ $60 for this 4 workshop series | for folks with limited access to cash, funds, housing security, etc.
You can choose where you fall on the sliding scale. I don’t ask for proof, just for clients to self-select the rate that is within their means.
$10 discount will appear in cart. Early bird discount expires on August 29th, midnight EST.