Make sense of your experience & discover tools to help you navigate touch and bodywork



We know touch and bodywork can be healing. And yet, for so many of us, it feels out of reach.

During a bodywork session, we might:

  • Tense up when we feel like we should be relaxing

  • Become overwhelmed with big feelings and sensations

  • Shut down or dissociate when things feel uncomfortable

  • Struggle to feel present and then stew in a shame spiral

  • Feel so panicky we think we’ll fly off the table

There is nothing wrong with any of this. I would put money on all of these responses coming from a wise and protective place.

And, it can be frustrating. If you want to explore touch and bodywork as part of your healing journey (and just your life), these roadblocks might feel insurmountable.

But my hope is that with a little bit of trauma informed and nervous system centered information, as well as tips for navigating touch — the healing you seek might feel a bit more possible.

If this sounds like what you’re needing right now, come join us in Held.


In this workshop, you will be invited to learn:

  • Why receiving touch and bodywork can be challenging for survivors

  • What can happen in the nervous system during a bodywork session

  • Compassionate approaches for supporting yourself in your touch journey or a bodywork session

Imagine: We gather on zoom. Your camera can be on or off. You can show up as you are (I will, with my pup by my side probably). I will share slides and words with you all, and then make space for your questions and comments. You can connect and comment throughout in the chat, and save questions-you-want-to-ask-out-loud for our Q+A periods.

This workshop will be trauma informed. You will be encouraged to show up in the ways that work for you, take breaks, honor your needs and trust your own knowing.

Though delivered with care, this workshop will not offer intensive 1-1 support. If you have the sense this might be triggering for you, it might feel supportive to make a care plan to use during the workshop (I’ll send a prompt out ahead of time), or to plan to watch the replay (perhaps with a trusted friend). Or, if it feels too intense entirely, maybe this isn’t the right time or workshop for you.

You are always welcome to reach out via e-mail with any questions:

When you join, you will receive:

  • Access to the 90 minute zoom workshop, plus the replay

  • Answers to your questions in our Q+A session

  • Reflective material to support you on your journey


I’m a survivor and trauma informed bodyworker, and I’m excited to share my lived + professional experience with you. Survivors deserve trauma informed bodywork, and I know what it’s like to try and survive a massage that should be relaxing.