WELCOME TO the business of being trauma informed

Your clients deserve trauma sensitive care — do you need more skills to support them?

If you’re a human with a heart for trauma healing, welcome. You’re in the right place.


Hi, I’m Jess! I offer

nervous system nourishment and

tender-radical care for practitioners, survivors & humans.


Trauma-informed programs for practitioners

Come learn transformational and trauma-informed skills to strengthen your practice while honoring your innate wisdom


It’s Not All Good

Spiritual Bypassing is running rampant these days. Want to help turn the tide? Find compassion, clarity and alternative phrases in this trauma-informed, somatic digital guide.


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    As a survivor, trauma-informed bodyworker, and educator, I love supporting survivors and practitioners through my trauma-informed offerings. Though I hate to hear that my trauma is a gift (and would never dare tell you that), it is a gift to be here with you all, doing the work meant for my heart and hands. Supporting your trauma healing journeys. I’m honored to all who weave this web with me. Thanks for being here.


    Traumaversaries deserve tenderness

    Traumaversaries are tough, but so are we. Want some gentleness for your journey? This digital guide is here for you.


    What folks are saying


    “I'm a trauma-informed massage therapist. I appreciated this on so many levels. It gave me more ideas for working with people virtually, including how I resource from my work. You are beautifully genuine and compassionate. It came through completely. Thank you for the gift of your presence and knowledge.” - Corrine