Map Your Nervous System
a 2 session package to explore and understand your survival physiology and gather tools for tricky terrain
If your nervous system is nervous. If . . .
➝ One small thing happens and it sets you off for days.
➝ You don’t get why your nervous system and body do the things they do!
➝ It’s a trudge through molasses to get things done and tasks that seem easy for most people feel impossible to check off your list.
➝ A near-constant hum, buzz and over-thinking inner dialogue (a.k.a. anxiety) is your baseline and resting or relaxing is out of reach.
➝ Transitions (like asleep to awake, awake to asleep, working to resting, gremlin/hermit time to people world) need a 27 point protocol or else they super don’t happen.
➝ Traditional grounding techniques don’t work for you, and the ways people tell you to relax don’t feel relaxing for you.
Your nervous system might benefit from some loving attention.
It might also need a world that is trauma-informed and kinder and less capitalistic (!!!!)
But in the meantime, mapping your nervous system can mean you have a lay of the land. A compass. A sense of direction.
You’ll know where you are (and why you are), and we can help you get where you want to go, all while being kinder to yourself.
Learn bodybased practices and cues that can help you inch closer to calm, and gently keep things moving when you are magnetted to your couch.
Come map with me! In 2 sessions, we’ll explore the inner landscape of your nervous system, and gather tools to support you, no matter the state you’re in.

If your nervous system is nervous
If you’re tired of playing rookie detective
Come make a nervous system map!
Session 1: The Landscape and The Rooms (Core States)
Saying hello to your nervous system. What is a nervous system and what is it’s purpose? What are the zones of your nervous system? How can you approach nervous system connection in a trauma-informed and sensitive way that works for your individual survival physiology?
In this first session, we will build our trauma-informed container, explore Polyvagal Theory, neuroception and survival physiology, and you’ll be invited to connect to your nervous system, all while honoring your capacity.
You’ll begin exploring and mapping your 3 core nervous system states. What are the different rooms and zones of your nervous system? Where do you gravitate towards? Where do you feel coziest? Which room drives you bananas or is hardest for you to be in? Are there rooms where you feel stuck?
Session 2: The Mixed States and The Tools
In our second session, you’ll be invited to explore mixed states: freeze, play and flow.
You will begin to expand your map of nervous system states through imagery, metaphor, felt-sense discoveries, and old fashioned journaling - there are many pathways to mapping your nervous system in the ways that feel right to you.
When you have an understanding of the ways your nervous system operates and your survival physiology functions, and you know all of the rooms in your nervous system house, you can begin to consider moving between the rooms or states. Which states are easiest to move to? Which are hardest to access? Which states are easiest to move out of? Where do you feel stuck? What helps you get unstuck? What helps you stay regulated for even just a few seconds longer?
In this session, you will build on your understanding of your survival physiology and nervous system patterning. You will be invited to explore tools and strategies to bring more ease into your nervous system healing journey. This session will equip you to support small moves towards nervous system wellness, and somatic tools to support you wherever you are.
Hi I’m Jess (she/they) and my nervous system has been historically The Most Nervous.
The best thing I’ve done for myself is nervous system healing. I began this journey wildly dissociated and activated at the drop of a hat.
It was 0 to 100, and I often got to 100 without even knowing what took me there. Through slow, somatic work and mindful nervous system connection, I am still a human who gets superglued to my couch or sends ranty voice notes to my pals, BUT! My nervous system is a softer place lately.
I have more choice points. My dissociation and freeze have defrosted and I’m less cathartic. And more than that, I can back myself and what I’m feeling. In a world full of gaslighting and shouts of “hysteria” this is no small thing.
Come, join me for a journey of nervous system mapping. I hope you’ll feel seen, heard, held and validated for being a human with a nervous system in a tough world where your survival physiology and trauma responses are needed!
Upon purchasing a package, you will be invited to book your sessions, which take place on zoom. We gather for 60 minutes each session. You will receive additional nervous system mapping information and material from me. And, if you’d like your session/s recorded so you can revisit, just let me know!
It’s up to you how you would like to show up on zoom. Cameras off or on, in your pjs, etc. This space is trauma-informed, so you can take care of yourself and your nervous system in the ways you need to. And, although this isn’t therapy, I know touching into the terrain of the nervous system can be tender, so just know we can move slowly and with lots of care for what might come up.
This 2 session package is trauma-informed, affirming and you-centered. Everything is an invitation. I will share about the nervous system and survival physiology, I will guide your nervous system mapping, and I will also follow your pace and honor your needs. No rigidity here.
May your nervous system feel nourished and respected during this time together!
Sliding scale rates:
➝ $250 | $130/hr | for folks with access to expendable or stable income
➝ $220 | $110/hr | for folks with limited to expendable or stable income
➝ $180 | $90/hr | for folks with limited access to cash, funds, housing security, etc.
Sliding scale is important to me. Offering sliding scale does not reflect that my business is financially abundant. Offering accessible (I know this is incredibly relative) services is important to me, so I do it whenever and wherever I can. You can choose where you fall on the sliding scale. I don’t ask for proof, just for folks to self-select the rate that is within their means.
Ready to map your nervous system?
Purchase a package below. You can show up scared or unsure or skeptical—all of your feelings are invited. I hope this time together will help your nervous system healing journey.
Limited spaces are available.

Purchase your Nervous System Mapping Package!
Due to the digital and immediate nature of this program, refunds are not possible. If you have any concerns, please be in touch.