Hi, I’m Jess! (she/her)
From client with complex trauma to practitioner & mentor
I’m a trauma-informed bodyworker, educator, and writer working within an anti-oppressive, anti-pathology approach.
As a client and practitioner of trauma-informed and somatic practices, my feet are in both worlds.
The healing community is often not trauma-informed or nervous-system centered, and is rampant with spiritual bypassing and harmful power dynamics.
It lit a fire in me.
Because clients deserve better treatment. And practitioners deserve better training and support.
It is my honor to guide and support healing practitioners in offering trauma-informed care to best meet the needs of their clients.
Dearest survivors, dearest practitioners: I am so glad you are here. Welcome. I will sit with you and walk beside you wherever you are on your journey.
This work is essential. We are essential.
The world needs us to say yes to both inner and collective healing. We are not meant to do it alone. Every single one of us is needed.
Are you in?
Meet Jess (she/her)
I’m a trauma informed bodyworker and mentor who supports healing practitioners in strengthening their trauma informed practice.
Lived experience, somatic trauma informed trainings and a background in social services all inform my work, which strives to be anti-oppressive, anti-pathology and affirming.
If you have a heart for trauma informed healing and don’t shy away from acknowledging the collective healing our world needs, you’re in the right place. Welcome, welcome.
Relevant Experience
My lived experiences have readied me to do this work, and I am a forever student of trauma-informed approaches, somatic processing, and bodywork. I strive to learn from folks with shared values who don’t bypass systemic trauma and/or appropriate healing modalities from other cultures and peoples (just to name a few considerations among many).
15+ years in trauma-informed social services
Training, facilitation & 1-1 mentorship for early childhood educators and care providers
Licensed Massage Therapist
Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute Graduate of Massage Therapy with 750+ hours
Trauma Touch Training, Colorado School of Healing Arts
The Trans Body on the Table, Santa Fe School of Massage
BASE (Body and Somatic Education) Trauma Practitioner Training
Biodynamic Craniosacral Training
ReBloom Foundations Training with Rachael Maddox
Integrative Traumatic Trauma Therapy Certification with The Embody Lab (in progress, ‘21)
WEV Small Business Intensive Training