Working together



Do you want to strengthen your trauma informed care skills so you can show up for your clients with greater capacity, kindness + trauma sensitivity?


Beginning Magic

an intake form evolution

You’re doing amazing work. Is your intake process equally amazing? Join this self-paced process and course portal to transform plain paperwork into a trauma informed (and magical) beginning. You’ll receive the guidance, tools and templates to support you every step of the way.


Spaceholder Sessions

trauma informed BUSINESS support

Are you looking for trauma informed spaceholding for your whole self and your business? I’d be honored to meet you in the messy middle. Through deep listening, affirmation, and gentle curiosity, we can get nerdy about everything from the nervous system to marketing, brainstorm creative solutions for places you feel stuck and connect you to resources that will help you + your business thrive.


Trauma Informed Guides


These sliding scale guides are in service to personal and collective healing. If you want to unlearn spiritual bypassing language, check out It’s Not All Good! If you have a traumatic anniversary coming up, Tending to Traumaversaries might feel supportive. I hope these little guides bring you some of the care you deserve.




feeling a yes?


Schedule a 1-1 consultation and receive the support you deserve.