Traumaversaries (traumatic + anniversaries) can be challenging.

This guide can help you feel cared for as you make it through

Traumaversaries are hard for a reason.

Our body and nervous system might re-live traumatic experiences on the anniversary of their happening, and this is in service of our safety and protection.

There is wisdom in the remembering. The re-experiencing. The extended processing.

And still, this can take a toll. Are you ready to welcome in some support?

I wrote this guide for you, and I hope it helps you navigate the hard days.

✿ Validation that what you are going through makes sense and space to honor your individual experience

✿ Gentle psychoeducation about traumatic experiences, traumatic anniversaries, and how you might feel their impact

✿ An exploration of dreams, memories, and coping mechanisms that might emerge and what to do when they come up

✿ Trauma informed check-ins and self care breaks to offer integration and protect from overwhelm

✿ Creative and practical tips to help you feel prepared-as-can-be for an upcoming traumaversary

✿ Guidance to create a unique care plan designed to support you in coping

Turn to this guide for:

This guide is brimming with supportive practices and words to soothe your weary nervous system during traumatic anniversaries.

Receive tools and validation for:

✿ The flashbacks, nightmares and scary thoughts

✿ The overwhelming feelings and dread before the date or time period rolls around

✿ The old coping strategies and emotions you thought you were “over”

✿ The physical and somatic sensations (both new and old)

You can create a supportive care plan, and you don’t have to do it alone.