Soft Path Healing

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Resource, resilience and collective trauma

Resourcing is about what is outside of us, too.

It’s about the systems we live in.

It’s about the people in our lives.

It’s about .. what or who or where can we turn to when shit is hard?

It’s about .. are the helpers actually helping or retraumatizing or further oppressing us?

Resourcing can be this beautiful piece of nervous system regulation where we hold our own hearts or sway back and forth or tune into our breath and feel more grounded and present.

Yes. And.

Resourcing can also be about OUR RESOURCES.

Affluence. Proximity. Access. Privilege. Support. And/or lack thereof.

It can also be about the protective factors that help us to be resilient through traumatic experiences.

In this world, not everyone is resourced equally.

And not all resources come from the inside (although yes, those practices are powerful, too, and if they feel supportive please keep doing them!).

I hope that as we heal, as we hold our own hearts and nourish our own nervous systems, we can also hold that our systems need healing, too.

More to come on nervous system nourishment that doesn’t erase trauma (and healing) as a systemic and collective phenomenon soon.

XO Jess

Image description: an open window into a lush dark green forest and a tweet that reads: Nervous system regulation happens when we’re resourced. THIS is why healing is collective and trauma is systemic. THIS is why as we heal I hope we heal these systems that leave so many underresourced.