Jessica Jackson Jessica Jackson

May We Not Fastforward

Often in our own healing, we want to fast forward to an easier part. So doesn’t it make sense that we also want to fast forward other people to an easier part?

Can we have a bit of self compassion for ourselves that it might be difficult to sit with pain?

Often in our own healing, we want to fast forward to an easier part. So doesn’t it make sense that we also want to fast forward other people to an easier part?

Can we have a bit of self compassion for ourselves that it might be difficult to sit with pain? Our pain, other people’s pain, worldly systemic pain, so many kinds of pain.

And from this place of compassionate awareness, can we be open to learning the skills we need, both internal and relational, to expanding our capacity to be with and navigate the pain that comes with aliveness?

To show up for the world and for people and ourselves knowing that this means showing up for pain, too?

To not hold too tightly either to finding silver linings nor despair. To be with what is there, and gently holding as if cradling a small bird, the possibility of transformation and truth along with the heartbeat of hope?

May we deeply listen. May we press pause if we need to. But let us not fast forward.

⋒ For more support in compassionate listening, check out my virtual guide, It’s Not All Good! ⋒

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