forgive yourself for not being there yet
We are not there and yet we are getting there. It’s okay to be where we are. It’s okay if we can’t stand being where we are. If we’re so tired of having one limb on either side of a doorway, choicepoint, portal. Liminal spaces are challenging-keep going.
Forgive yourself for not being there yet.
This is the message that asks to be spoken through me. It’s for you and it’s for me and it’s for all of us.
We are not there and yet we are getting there. It’s okay to be where we are. It’s okay if we can’t stand being where we are. If we’re so tired of having one limb on either side of a doorway, choicepoint, portal. Liminal spaces are challenging-keep going. Or rest. Rest is also moving us forward because moving inward moves us forward, even if it seems still to the point of cement-stuck in the moment.
There’s no finish line and if there is, we are spiraling and with each go-around crossing it. Perhaps without even knowing, which might be why the journey feels endless.
Take heart, my dears: no one is there yet. We are all forever arriving.
you got yourself here
you got yourself here, you brought yourself here.
A friend said these words to me today and they hit me something powerful.
We have moved through so much. Sometimes we forget.
you got yourself here, you brought yourself here.
A friend said these words to me today and they hit me something powerful.
We have moved through so much. Sometimes we forget.
Today, I’m inviting you to remember. Where you are, where you’ve been, and how very far you’ve come.
As usual, you’re probably doing better than you think. Maybe even better than you feel.
Take care, ya sweeties.
xo jess
Anything can be comfortable, including discomfort
Sometimes we hold onto something and it feels comfortable in our hands. Our body knows we’ve held it before. But that doesn’t mean we should keep cupping it.
Question why you’re comfortable.
I’ve been learning a lot about my attachment style, and coming face-to-face with some patterns. Getting curious about my choices and if they’re made in present time or rooted in past conditioning and storylines. Wondering, in everything I do, about my “why”s.
Sometimes we hold onto something and it feels comfortable in our hands. Our body knows we’ve held it before. But that doesn’t mean we should keep cupping it. Maybe it fits because we’ve wrapped ourselves around it. Maybe now our hands are achy from the grasp and we’ve stopped, just a little bit, breathing. Maybe we’re used to that, too.
Familiar isn’t always in our highest good. Humans, ever adaptable, can adjust to anything. We adjust because we had to, we needed to. But do we still need to?
This is the question, and a hard one to answer. Living in present time is tricky when threads from the past are tugging at you. When you’re two places at once. If the threads are tangled.
Some gentle wonders as you begin to untangle:
Is what you’re carrying serving you, or are you accustomed to the weight of it?
Do you still need to pretzel yourself to survive, or can you begin to take your own shape?
If something feels like home, does it feel like the home you are wanting to call your own or does it echo of something darker?
Ask yourself: How do I️ know this is comfortable? And let your body answer.
Take care of yourself as you move forward and inward. Love to you all. 💛