if things are dying, let them
If things are dying, let them. A hand in hand at the bedside and wounded wailing, let it. Grief that carves through you like a river with teeth, let it. A busy mind grasping to make sense of this wieldly liminal space, let it.
If things are dying, let them. A hand in hand at the bedside and wounded wailing, let it. Grief that carves through you like a river with teeth, let it. A busy mind grasping to make sense of this wieldly liminal space, let it. Itchy old skin about to peel off, let it. Molasses middle and more questions than answers, let it. Drifting away from the wise center of you into the dark of despair and doom, let it.
Death finds everything. Eventually so does birth. Never on our timeline. Not without labor pains. And though it’s hard (so hard) and we are gritting all of our teeth: let it, let it, let it. 🌑🐍🥚
woo-woo washing
Let’s not do this, please and thank you. It’s dangerous and harmful and insulting and agenda-pushing and it’s n-o-t client-centered OR trauma-informed.
Get outta here with your healing light unless I️ specifically requested healing light, basically.
Get outta here with “my soul asked for this” or “your trauma is your greatest gift”.
Let’s not do this, please and thank you. It’s dangerous and harmful and insulting and agenda-pushing and it’s n-o-t client-centered OR trauma-informed.
Get outta here with your healing light unless I️ specifically requested healing light, basically.
Get outta here with “my soul asked for this” or “your trauma is your greatest gift”.
Get outta here St. Germain, who is probably lovely, but I️ also never (ever ever) find surprise visitors lovely. Text me first thx! And you too Archangel Gabriel.
Get outta here with... what else would you add?
Sound off below. 🗣🔥⚡️
forgive yourself for not being there yet
We are not there and yet we are getting there. It’s okay to be where we are. It’s okay if we can’t stand being where we are. If we’re so tired of having one limb on either side of a doorway, choicepoint, portal. Liminal spaces are challenging-keep going.
Forgive yourself for not being there yet.
This is the message that asks to be spoken through me. It’s for you and it’s for me and it’s for all of us.
We are not there and yet we are getting there. It’s okay to be where we are. It’s okay if we can’t stand being where we are. If we’re so tired of having one limb on either side of a doorway, choicepoint, portal. Liminal spaces are challenging-keep going. Or rest. Rest is also moving us forward because moving inward moves us forward, even if it seems still to the point of cement-stuck in the moment.
There’s no finish line and if there is, we are spiraling and with each go-around crossing it. Perhaps without even knowing, which might be why the journey feels endless.
Take heart, my dears: no one is there yet. We are all forever arriving.
I’m a spaceholder, facilitator, sometimes-guide and more-often follower, and deep deep listener.
But I️ AM NOT A HEALER. You are your own healer.
We don’t need anyone else to heal us (even though I get that it’s tempting) because how could they?! Other people are not you. Not in your body or life experiences. And everything you want to heal from is trying to …
I’m a spaceholder, facilitator, sometimes-guide and more-often follower, and deep deep listener.
But I️ AM NOT A HEALER. You are your own healer.
We don’t need anyone else to heal us (even though I get that it’s tempting) because how could they?! Other people are not you. Not in your body or life experiences. And everything you want to heal from is trying to show you something. Maybe in the most irritating or heartbreaking or life-disrupting way, but it’s trying to show you something. And that message is for YOU.
In my client work it’s so important to me that I’m not in this holier-than-thou I️-have-all-the-answers-just-pay-me-and-you-can-have-them-too place. It’s really not about me. I️ mean, I’m great, but I’m great in that your session is about YOU. Your body, your sensations, your story. Your pace. Your process.
I️ AM NOT A HEALER, I️ am a witness as you reach for healing. I️ am stepping back so you can do your sacred work. I️ am this lantern next to you as you stumble along your path, but it is YOUR path and guess what - you’re the fucking moon.
You are your own healer and you’re the fucking moon.
Take care, self-healers. You’re doing the damn thing. Don’t forget it.
are your hobbies joyful or triggering?
Are your hobbies joyful or triggering?
Here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Some things that I️ love to do (meditative/ecstatic dance, for example) send me to deep and dark&twisty places.
I️ spend a lot of time willingly exploring those places (somatic processing, bodywork, therapy, journaling) and it’s come to me lately that I️ need something I️ love that is just FUN.
Are your hobbies joyful or triggering?
Here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Some things that I️ love to do (meditative/ecstatic dance, for example) send me to deep and dark&twisty places.
I️ spend a lot of time willingly exploring those places (somatic processing, bodywork, therapy, journaling) and it’s come to me lately that I️ need something I️ love that is just FUN.
If complex trauma has lived through you (and you it) you’re familiar with this very layered life. Rarely is anything simple, and everything touches something else.
At an ecstatic dance class a few weeks ago I️ felt safe, which made me cry. Ya know? It just goes that way sometimes.
So I’m not saying to avoid triggers all of the time, I’m just saying: do you have any hobbies that mostly bring you joy and mostly don’t dredge deep things up for you? I’m still looking for one. Let me know what brings you JOY. Let me know what brings you space to hold pain and process. I’m so curious.
There are many ways to take care. ❤️
you got yourself here
you got yourself here, you brought yourself here.
A friend said these words to me today and they hit me something powerful.
We have moved through so much. Sometimes we forget.
you got yourself here, you brought yourself here.
A friend said these words to me today and they hit me something powerful.
We have moved through so much. Sometimes we forget.
Today, I’m inviting you to remember. Where you are, where you’ve been, and how very far you’ve come.
As usual, you’re probably doing better than you think. Maybe even better than you feel.
Take care, ya sweeties.
xo jess