I want a world we don't have to recover from

I want to world we don’t have to recover from.

I want a world where crying doesn’t only happen 50 minutes a week in therapy and in the middle of a sleepless night.

I want a world where caregivers are supported and children are safe and loved.

I want a world where we check on each other, not as a transaction but because we have the capacity to see a wilting sunflower in our neighbor’s garden, offer water.

I want a world with clear air and reparations.

I want a world where emotional literacy, anti-racism, and nervous system nourishment are core teachings.

I want a world where we have space to lick our wounds in every iteration our being deems necessary and tend gently to others’.

I want a world where we trust our bodies, and trust others not to trespass them.

I want a world where empathy and accountability hold hands; where we seek to understand why humans hurt one another and also hold ourselves accountable for the harm we cause.

A world where we are supported to grow and do better, and to repair after our very human mistakes.

I want a world where we can cry or dance or sing at a stoplight. Where we can pull over to absolutely lose it and not be afraid of who might come to call.

I want a world where we can knock on doors.

I want a world where emotions aren’t relegated to the knitting of eyebrows and banished to hip bones, the darkness of muscle swaddling tears and grief.

I want a world where we can live out in the open and be received like falling into ten different warm and outstretched arms.

I want a world that isn’t here yet, the one I hope we’re building.

What kind of world do you want?


Just because something is helpful for you to hear does not mean it won’t harm others


Trauma-Informed Reframe for "close your eyes"